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The Role of Parents/Guardians

We believe that the success of De la Salle College Churchtown depends on the combined efforts of parents/guardians, teachers and students.  Parents/guardians  can do much to ensure that your son benefits from his post primary education.


Parent- Teacher meetings are organised once a year for every year group but if you have any worries or concerns regarding your son’s progress or well-being you can contact reception and make an appointment to meet with the relevant teacher(s).

The school must have up to date contact details of parents/ guardians especially email  addresses and mobile contact numbers. We request that all parents and students read the Code of Behaviour and sign the School Rules together. 


Parental support of the implementation of the Code of Behaviour is essential to ensure that each student is afforded the opportunity to achieve their full potential in a safe, positive learning environment.

Parents can help foster a sense of the value and benefits of education in simple, practical ways and so we encourage you to:

  • Ensure that your son wears the full uniform and attends school on time every day with all the books, copies, and equipment he needs.

  • Check the Student Journal daily and sign as appropriate.

  • Check student’s VSWare profile on a regular basis.

  • Provide a quiet space with a desk, chair and good lighting, for your son to do his homework and study each evening after school.

  • Talk to your son about his homework and progress in school. Please let the school know if your son is struggling or having difficulties in subject areas.

  • Help your son to put a study/revision plan in place to ensure that he keeps up with the requirements of all subjects.

  • Encourage your son to read. Have suitable books, magazines / newspapers available at home. Encourage you son to use the College Library and the local Library.

  • Before exams, students need to be encouraged to put in extra time for study and revision. It is important that students develop a healthy study plan routine.  The school will teach students a variety of study techniques and how to plan for effective study.

  • Ask your son to explain what he has learnt in different subjects. This is a useful means of revising new topics.

  • Get to know your son’s friends and his peer group.

  • If you have concerns a quiet word with his Class Tutor or Year Head can be very effective and will avoid your son feeling he is losing face in front of his peers.

  • Discourage part-time jobs during school term.

  • Encourage you son to be involved in school sports and activities. Physical exercise and participation in team sports are very important for the overall physical and mental well-being of young people.

  • Support the school’s decision to impose sanctions for breach of school rules. Failure to attend detention is a serious breach of the Code of Behaviour and may result in more serious consequences for students.

  • Attend Parent Teacher Meetings.

  • Attend Open Meetings, and events organised by the College and the Parents Association.

  • Make a special effort to allow your son to express his feelings about how he is coping with school life.

  • In particular for First Year parents to be supportive of your son as he struggles to deal with the logistics of a new school, a new curriculum, new teachers and the challenge of making new friends.


Working in partnership and supportive co-operation between teachers and parents is in the best interests of students.

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