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Letter to Parents 2013

6 November 2013

I would to welcome all the students back to the College following the mid-term break. I would like to remind students that they must swipe in each morning and afternoon as the Swipe Card System is the official roll in the College and forms the basis of returns made to the National Educational Welfare Board. 

As the days are getting increasingly darker I would ask all students and parents to be extra vigilant and road-aware as they come to and from school. I would like to remind parents that the double yellow lines and zig zag lines outside the school prohibit the parking of cars and are there to ensure the safety of your son and all our students. We ask that you do not drive your car into the College grounds. Please observe all safety regulations.

Study facilities are available in the College after school each day. With only 6 weeks to Christmas Exams I would like to encourage all exam students to avail of this service so as to be well prepared for Christmas Exams, for Mock Exams and for the State Exams in June. Pupils can arrange to attend study by contacting Mr Brian Masterson.

I would like to caution parents about the use and misuse of smart phones by students. It is not appropriate to give your son an expensive smart phone if he is not mature enough to mind it properly and to use it correctly. The College is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen mobile phones. Please caution your son about posting of inappropriate images and comments on social media sites. The College is following the recommendation of "Safebook" in this regard. I would ask that you encourage your son not to use his phone in an inappropriate manner, and also not to contact him on his phone while he is in class. If you need to contact your son, please do so through the school office. When parents are visiting the College they should report to the Office.

There are a number of important events in the College over the coming weeks that I would like to bring to your attention.

The Junior Cup Team and the Senior Cup Teams will commence their Cup campaigns in November. We await the Cup draws.The 6th Year Parent Teacher Meeting takes place on Tuesday 19th November. This meeting will be held from 1.00pm to 3.30pm (unless the industrial dispute between the Department of Education and the ASTI is resolved in the meantime). All 6thYear Parents are encouraged to attend this important event. This meeting gives you the opportunity to meet your son's teachers in a formal setting to discuss his academic progress in this his Leaving Certificate Year.The Annual Mass for Deceased Students, Past-Pupils, Members of the Teaching Staff and Friends of the College will be celebrated on Thursday 21st November at 7.30pm in the College. All are invited to attend.The 5th Year Retreat to Benildus Pastoral Centre takes place on Thursday 28thNovember. We would encourage all students to attend.On Tuesday 3rd December the annual CAO Night for 6th Year Students and their parents will be held in the Assembly Hall from 7pm to 9pm.The Transition Year Retreat to Benildus Pastoral Centre takes place on Tuesday 10th December.Christmas Exams will run from Thursday 12th December to Friday 20th December.

I thank you for your continued support over the last number of weeks and look forward to meeting you at one of these events in the near future.

Yours sincerely,

Lorcan Balfe,



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