September 14, 2012
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all our students back to the College for the 2012/2013 Academic Year - our 60th year. I would also like to thank you, in anticipation, for your continued support and assistance as we face the new school year. I am aware that these are tough times financially for many of you. They are also very tough on us here in school as the Budget Cuts of last year in relation to Grants and Teaching Resources continue to have their impact. I thank you for your financial contributions last year and hope that you can contribute again this year.
The Leaving Certificate Results were again excellent and I congratulate the students and commend the teachers for their work and commitment. I hope that all the students will get access to the Third Level courses and the employment areas that they want. I encourage this year's students to work diligently both at home and in school. I direct you to inside the back page of the Student Journal where we have set out for you recommended study times for your son as he progresses through the school. Regular study and revision, alongside his homework, will pay dividends and allow him to achieve his potential. After-school study is available in the College throughout the year.
This year we have re-designed our school tie to reflect a more modern look and to mark our 60th anniversary. The old tie may still be worn, but is no longer available for purchase. I would like to remind you that full uniform, including black or brown leather shoes, must be worn to school and that non-uniform jackets are not acceptable.
Detention this year will be on Saturday mornings from 9am for either 1 or 2 hours. Detention is a serious matter and will result from your son's failure to comply with the Code of Behaviour. I ask your co-operation and support should your son be detained.
I would like to draw you attention to the double yellow and zig zag lines outside the school which indicate that these are not appropriate areas for parking. Parents should not drive into the school grounds when dropping off or collecting students. Similarly students should not cycle in the yard. I ask your co-operation to ensure the safety of all our students as they come and go to school. I also remind you to encourage your son to walk, to cycle safely, to travel by public transport or to car-pool as appropriate.
Finally I hope that your son will work well this academic year; that he will grow in character and maturity, that he will reflect the Christian values of caring and sharing and that he will achieve his potential and find fulfilment.
Lorcan Balfe,